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- PALETTE:0223 099a 08a9 0cc9
- By Mop and Macno
- Everybody knows that, after Beppe and maybe few others, Mop of Alcatraz is one
- of the most authoritative and serious Scene Analysts around. He has
- collaborated with important mags like MC disk and Upstream always showing
- brilliant and enlightening points of view about the most important scene
- problems. He has helped also minor mags, contributing with equally valuable
- articles and giving therefore a rare example of sense of solidarity and
- philanthropy.
- We have the pleasure of having him in our Scenarium parlour, here we can discuss
- calmly and serenely about the scene and its matters. Tell us Mop (can we
- address to you in such a friendly way?) what are your concerns about the overall
- demo-packs situation now? As you know we have made a deep and complete
- analysis, in the last issue of Scenarium, about this important topic for the
- scene. Are there too many packs? What can we do to solve the problem?
- There can never be a single, direct solution to problems. Opinions vary from
- person to person. They change as time flows by. More than often opinions are
- suppressed, modelled at will and twisted by the power of the press. So it is of
- vital importance to try to understand that the discussion about packs can never
- be dealt with in a complete way, moreover dare to state that a conclusive
- evaluation can be extracted. In fact what you alluded to as a "deep and
- complete solution" was in fact only a mere try to embark upon such a worldly
- problem. Having donated a vast part of my life for the cause of the packs
- problem, I have come to a point where it is possible to make a correlation.
- Packs are like a glass with a minuscule hole in the bottom. Such an empty glass
- is perfectly utilisable until the time comes when water has to be poured inside.
- The glass can contently accommodate a few drops, but as soon as the water level
- accumulates, pressure starts forcing some drops out of the hole. Packs come and
- go, and this enables the water to stay at a somewhat forecasted constant level.
- But in the last year, due to an unpredictable phenomenon, the water level has
- reached the glass brim. It is a colossal task, even for the ones who have
- donated great part of their lives for this cause, to forecast what can happen
- when the water overflows.
- That's a very remarkable and agreeable point of view, do you think that this
- matter has influenced the same groups' politic in intros' production? It seems
- that quality is more and more preferred to quantity in the production strategies
- of nowadays groups. What do you foresee about this new scene trend? What does
- Mop think of the scene's future, under this aspect?
- Due to the remarkable move of k Intro Competitions, it is nowadays very rare,
- to see any important developments outside such contests. Groups are nowadays
- delving into more depth when it comes to Intro production. New and
- before-unknown discoveries are being sought after all the time, just for the
- sake of Intro research. The domination of the Intro Charts is only in the hands
- of those who can afford an immense funds base. Whole research teams are being
- set up, all the time, thus making sure that the Intro revolution will never
- possibly stop. I cannot, under any circumstances come to the conclusion that
- packs and intros can ever be directly connected in any bearable way. An
- indirect process study in strategy methods is possible, but this would only
- occur if the known specialists in this field would come together to produce an
- elaborate thesis. A possible new scene trend, loosely based on the focusing of
- Intros and Packs is already occurring right now, thus making this new
- scientifical field, attracting for all the potential researchers.
- In this same issue of Scenarium we have analysed one of the hottest and most
- controversial arguments in the whole scene community. Are there too many mags?
- Surprisingly enough we have also gathered the opinions of guys declaring that
- there are too few diskmags around, that too many of them are dying or sleeping
- lazily. The opinion of a real Scene Analyst specialized in Diskmags Disciplines
- and Theories is highly welcomed in the debate.
- Diskmags are like food for our minds. Too much food can generate digestive
- problems, yet it is theoretically known through past studies, that a minimum
- amount of daily brain-food is strictly needed. Putting out any statistics at
- this point would not only be hazardous for the average scener (scene guy) but
- can cause collateral disturbances, or, in extreme cases of scene addiction,
- imprevidibly fatal. So, by this last statement, I hope that I have made myself
- clear, why, my long awaited Diskmag Analysis & Theories Studies have been
- currently withheld from publication.
- We think that diskmags are a very interesting field to study in order to
- understand fully the scene's tendencies and customs. You have widely discussed
- about them in many of your issues and books, but try to sum up your most
- important theories about the multiple relations among diskmags, scene and
- sceners (scene members). Please try to use a simple language, this is a popular
- mag, our humble and not that clever readers could have problems in grasping your
- concepts.
- There is no common tendency, when we come to deal with this extremely delicate
- subject. Through my numerous research polls and universal studies, I have come
- up with a simple set of custom tendencies. Sceners (scene members) tend to be
- highly influenced by the statistical medias (charts), thus making it possible to
- draft out a complex ray of relations, and detect various possible positions of
- every Diskmag, at any stage in time. Statistically speaking, if we also
- consider the delay time between various Diskmags issues, we can also say that
- the multiple relevance between the various Diskmags and the actual groups that
- host them, can be relational, to a certain extent. This can also highly affect
- our relative elaborations. One very new phenomena that I am currently studying
- is what kind of affect a group change can have on a highly dominant Diskmag. I
- think that I have made myself more than clear.
- Strictly related to this subject, there is the whole matter about insults and
- spandimerding in diskmags. The problem, of course, is much larger and applies
- to every scene media, but we think that right on diskmags it reaches its maximum
- intensity and interest. What are your ideas about the expanding spandimerding
- in diskmags? How do you connect this to the single and his schizophrenic status
- of scene member and human being at the same time. Is the scene made by HANDLES
- or is it made by NAMES and SURNAMES?
- There are always two different points of view. The scene is basically made by
- HANDLES and GROUP NAMES, but the interaction of proper names can rise up a THIRD
- point of view. A highly acclaimed GROUP or SCENER will always rise as the moral
- winner, even through the worst spandimerding affair. A spandimerda campaign
- will always, leave a detectable sign of fear, wether being intensive or just
- superficial. By this, I would suggest that any potential writer, thinking of
- starting any kind of spandimerda plan, should IMMEDIATELY think of the end
- consequences, not only on the presumable targets, but also on his proper health
- and sanity. Cases of extreme nuisances, and mental disturbances, due to
- spandimerda attacks has already rose to an alarming rate. Authorities are
- currently trying to stop such aggressive butchering, by cutting out the roots of
- the most known spandimerda movements. But this can only heal the moral side of
- this obsessive situation. Mental afflictions are incested heavily in the
- spandimerded victims, often ending up in extremely dangerous cases of
- schizophrenia.
- The topic is huge and we can hardly exhaust it in these few lines, but we know
- that you have made also studies about the Psychology And Psychiatry Of The
- Scener, incidentally we have immensely appreciated your book "Lamer or Cool Guy?
- A Self destructive dualism", so you are very competent in the matter. Let's try
- to probe into it. What are the consequences on the scener's psyche of a massive
- spandimerding attack? There are various cases, we presume, could you relate us
- some of the most typical reactions, and possibly, in few words, the average
- effects on the single's subconscious?
- Dangerous schizophrenia, constant sign of fear, extreme nuisances and mental
- disturbances are all, but the lighter superficial afflictions often manifested
- by the victim. A highly well-planned spandimerda campaign can end up having the
- victim leave the scene, not to mention a radical change in his social life in
- the form of lost family, girl, wife and children, job, car, house and the final,
- fatal decisive need to end one's existence. Such tendencies usually manifest
- themselves more consistently in the so-called "cool guy", who with a
- well-thought-out spandimerda plan can be made to turn out into a "lamer", in the
- eyes of the scene. In most cases, under spandimerding pressure, the constant
- subconcial & personal struggle to divide oneself's "cool" & "lamer" personality
- ends up in the victim believing he forms part of the latter species.
- In your article "Why Beppe is wrong", appeared in Scenology Journal you polymise
- violently with Beppe's views about the importance of spandimerding for the scene
- wealth. Can you sum up the whole diatribe and explain us why you dared to
- engage such a (gentlemen's) battle with Beppe himself, founder of the same
- Scenology science and editor of the same Scenology Journal?
- With absolute respect to Beppe's theories, especially to his monumental
- spandimerda researches, I couldn't back away to such violent insinuations. The
- art of Spandimerding, being it noble or not, have proved to be hazardous to the
- whole scene community. The scene's wealth lyes in the power of positive
- communication, group cooperations, in the understanding and not in the negative
- and violent attacks. Spandimerding somebody is literarily like massacring the
- scene itself.
- Macno, main editor of Abnormalia, ghost editor of Scenarium and your
- interlocutor in this discussion, has declared that Scene's Reality can easily be
- built by few words on a diskmags. He has written that Brainstorm's Patsy joke
- has been a good example of how diskmags can build a fake scene reality. What
- are your points about this matter? Do you think that nowadays diskmags are
- trustworthy? How, according to you, the reader of Scenarium can understand that
- this is a real discussion with the real Mop, that the various quotes in many
- articles are real and that, at the same time, many news are false, some
- interviews are fake, some spandimerda interview are real and so on. Will the
- reader understand? Is it important that the reader understands? CAN the reader
- understand anyway?
- Reality lies at the edge of phantasy. And the scene is just like a volatile
- scale, set on the edge between phantasy and reality. Diskmags, and especially
- words, are the weights that control the scene-scale.
- Spandimerda, fakes and lies form the weights of the dark realms, whilst clear,
- clean and true journalism form the weights of the real scene values.
- Most often, the scale is out-balanced by dark weights, in the form of harassing
- articles, the darker they are, the more it inclines towards the edge of
- phantasy. Conquest plans are set up, and for some time it seems that the scale
- can never regain it's balance towards reality. But then revelative articles are
- conceived, and it's up to the individual scener to decided at what angle his
- scale is inclined. It is through each and every individual that this total mass
- called the scene forms opinions. A Diskmag can prove to be trustworthy, only by
- proving itself so. There are many ways to chose from. Only the clean & white
- road makes a Diskmag gain the so sought after respect & trust of the whole
- scene. It is therefore, up to the reader to distinguish if a bunch of words,
- signed with a name, really do bear any true resemblance to that name. It's not
- very important if the real Mop is behind these words. More important is the
- fact to control and analyse oneself, to judge people for what they are and not
- for what others try to make you believe. It's not important if it is Mop who is
- actually trying to enlighten your minds, it is more important to try to
- understand the philosophy of the modern scene. Sceners tend to mix a handle
- with a name, when in fact it shouldn't be like that. Words should stay buried
- in Diskmags. Rumours always do contain a spice from reality. Little as it may
- be, it's not that important. You can always write the truth about rumours. It
- is very important that the reader finally understands what was initially meant
- to be true, and what was supposedly written just for the ironical value of the
- matter. It is difficult sometimes, to distinguish the truth from the lie,
- because the image of a Diskmag cannot always be taken as a referring point, and
- therefore it'll always be the individual scener who'll have to make the final
- decision.
- Few months ago, in RAW, has appeared a mysterious article about some Masters of
- the Scene who control and direct the scene's opinions. Somebody has also talked
- about Priests of the Scene, with less influence but still great power. Some
- names have been whispered too! They are the ones of the main editors of the
- most important diskmags. How do you see the whole affair? Who could be the
- Masters of the Scene? Are them a secret organization? Please, be careful in
- your replies, we have heard of dudes who mysteriously left the scene, after some
- sibylline and allusive declarations! Are the Masters watching us?
- The Masters of the Scene (MoS) do exist and are even amongst us. They are not
- God or alien beings. They don't possess supernatural powers and they cannot
- read minds. They are humans, just like every other scener. They have contacts
- everywhere, and their main power is the flow of information.
- That's how they control and manipulate the whole scene. The MoS are an
- organisation, but what they seek is not profit. What they seek is simply the
- power to control other beings. It was only possible to make all this knowledge
- available to you because of Scenarium and not because of Mop or Beppe or Macno.
- Saying that externing, the little know-how some of us have about the MoS, is
- dangerous, is not enough. It can be totally fatal. The MoS have been here from
- the very beginning. No one knows who they are.
- They control Diskmags, demos, sceners' opinions and they are the hands who
- generally direct the whole scene. But I feel somewhat safe, here in Scenarium,
- for some unknown reason. No one has the knowledge who is actually the one
- behind these revealing words. The MoS have eyes, they can read, and they can
- get information through all the major scene channels, through the modem scene,
- through the Diskmags and even through the confidential letter-gossip between
- friends, who more than often exchange little but interesting secrets about the
- scene. The MoS intend to keep their position, at least for the time being, as
- no one can possibly detect them. They wipe away all those who try to act
- against their wills, just like a damp cleaning cloth would wipe away dust from a
- table surface.
- Their way of handling rebels is by making the revolutionary sceners
- society-aware. They twist and bend opinions, and force the poor offenders away
- from the scene, and into the hidden beauty of everyday's life. They get rid of
- rebels by introducing enjoyable or extremely time-consuming happenings in their
- life, in the form of girls, cars, exams and jobs. We have heard thousands of
- reasons why the most notorious sceners stopped their activities. Excuses, just
- excuses. It has been apparent for many that some kind of MoS were behind
- everything, since some time now. We have heard that the scene will soon die,
- but no one has ever put forward any reasonable explanations. The scene will
- only die when the MoS will command. Only then, they would enlighten some minds,
- who'll put together all the various scattered clues that appeared through the
- years, and the mysterious enigma will be solved. Every scener will get so
- desperate and annoyed of how things were really flowing, that everyone will
- leave the scene. But does anyone know when this event will take place... maybe
- when the MoS will get bored playing with all us? Playing? Haven't you
- understood that the scene is just a chess board. Yes, the scene is just a piece
- of black & white squares. The sceners form the various chess pieces.
- There's the King, who is represented by the current Diskmags. There was always
- some kind of dispute, between two major mags, at one time or another, during the
- past scene history. It was always difficult to distinguish who was the Black
- King and WHO was the White one. Only the MoS decided on that. Then there are
- the Bishops, also known as the PRIESTS of the Scene (PoS), or Main Editors, for
- the common scener. The Bishop is the one who guides the King, as from the
- beginning of time, there was always a saintly being, beside and backing every
- King. The Queen of the scene is represented by PATSY. Her existence takes the
- form of the White queen. It was always the hope of every scener, to find
- comfort in the idea that there exists a perfect girl, also interested in the
- scene. The fear and doubt of PATSY's existence materialises under the vests and
- evilness of the Black Queen. The Rook is played by the trackmo or one-filed
- demo. Maybe a precalculated-vector-success against the good but underrated
- trackmo from an unknown group? Only the MoS are in the know-how. The common
- scener takes the form of the Pawn. There are many Pawns on the chess board, far
- too many than we think. The Knight? The Knight is the key to the Holy Temple
- of the MoS. No one knows anything about the Knight, not even the MoS or the
- Knight himself. Only when the end will be near, the Black and White Knights
- will rise up, most probably from 2 unknown and unexpected sceners. The MoS are
- just hands... Black and White hands who spend their time playing with the
- scene.
- Better to talk about lighter things. MC disk is dying, we have heard some
- official explanations of the decline but, sincerely, we don't believe in them.
- There must be some hidden cause, you were one of its most brilliant editors,
- tell us the Truth about Mc disk. People must know! Had you gone too afar? Had
- you got across something you HAD NOT to get across? We want the truth, Mop! Is
- there the hand of the Masters behind MC disk's disappearance???
- MC DISK is dead. Mc Disk had to die. The MoS tried to kill Mc Disk when they
- realised that this mag was getting out of their hands. They killed Coma, by
- pulling away some of the members, but then Alcatraz gave new breath to the mag.
- The MoS were getting angry and furious, so finally they churned out their most
- deadly weapon, in the form of confusion. No one in the MC DISK team knew,
- neither what him, nor the others were doing. The MoS made Mad Butcher distract
- himself. They made Cybersonik society-aware.
- They made Mop contribute to other Diskmags. So what was left. Just emptiness.
- Well, maybe we have exaggerated, please excuse us for our insistence, we really
- don't want to force our guests in any way. Let's talk about some other equally
- important problem in the scene. Do big fishes really eat little fishes? What
- are the results of your recent studies about the phenomenon? Is it a expanding
- trend? What could be its consequences? Can the scene survive without little
- fishes? Can the scene survive without articles about big and little fishes? Is
- there the hidden hand of Somebody behind all this??? Oh, sorry! Forget this
- last question...
- Because of the set proportional rules of nature, the BIG fish will always eat
- the smaller ones. As long as there's a scene, there'll always be BIG and
- smaller fish. Small fish are getting rarer, but the C64, ST and PC scenes can
- be always seen as potential fodder, little as they may be. Some Small fish grow
- too rapidly only to burst again into little smaller ones. This never-ending
- vicious circle will only end up when the last fish will find no other fish to
- feed on and will starve. That'll be the end of the scene. Unknown hands, armed
- with poisonous nets are also contributing to the extinction of fish, but only
- when uncontrollable circumstances arise.
- As you can see, dear dumb readers, the matters we can discuss with Mop of
- Alcatraz are various and numerous, it's always interesting and useful to listen
- to his words and to learn something new, but time is an evil enemy for us and
- disk space in another remarkable opponent. We have to leave Mop to his various
- studies and activities (he is organizing a Faculty of Scenology in the
- university of Hamrun, Malta) and you to lighter articles (for example the
- extended critic issue of War and Peace by The Ripper of Nightfall). Thanks for
- the attention and thanks to you, Mop, for your disposability. We hope to host
- you again in our space and we wish you the best... wishes for your new,
- divulging, book "The Importance Of Intros in Modern Scene"...